60 Minute Session | TGS Marketing
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60 Minute Standard Marketing Business Session Spring Lake, NC

​Here's how a 60 minute standard session can help:

  1. Tailored Strategy Development: In a brief timeframe, I can assess your business, understanding its unique aspects, and devise a tailored marketing strategy to enhance your brand presence and reach a wider audience.

  2. Quick Problem-Solving: Address specific challenges or roadblocks your business is facing. I can provide immediate insights and actionable solutions, saving time and resources.

  3. Effective Social Media Strategies: Gain quick tips on optimizing your social media presence. I can share insights into creating engaging content and maximizing your social media channels for business growth.

  4. Insights into Customer Acquisition: I can provide different actionable steps to attract and retain customers.


A 60-minute session acts as a time-efficient consultation, providing valuable guidance for immediate implementation and long-term success.

The Investment

60 MINUTStandard Session
  • (1) 60 minute standard session via Zoom or In-Person for immediate advice, consulting or coaching



From Real Entrepreneurs...

Simple branding and marketing sprinkled with psychology & military.  Build an online brand and sell without the crazy aesthetics. TGS Marketing, Brand Strategist, Social Media Coach, TGS, Teresa G. Sivak
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